There is someone looking for the information or product you currently have! Having an outside source like the Chamber with all its networking opportunities is an easy win. Take the easy win to add another arm, another support for your business. The Chamber is there for you and for most business owners, the Chamber supplies more benefits than the investment.

The Sisters Area Chamber of Commerce has been working hard for Sisters for 47 years and it is more important than ever to join and support your local business community. Membership represents your commitment to the continued growth and prosperity of Sisters Country!

Create a Strong Local Economy

  • Sisters Country Website
  • Shop Local Campaigns
  • Business Advocacy and Resources
  • Legislative Advocacy
  • Visitor Resources and Relations
  • Downtown Core Kiosks

Market to Your Audience

  • Website Business Listing
  • Brochure or Card Placement
  • Member Promotions
  • Social Media Presence
  • Chamber Newsletter
  • Grand Opening/Ribbon Cutting Ceremonies

Connect with Your Community

  • Chamber Events
  • Event Promotion
  • Community Calendar
  • Customer Referrals
  • Networking Opportunities
  • Community Support
  • Disaster Relief and Information